Resolving the Error Code 0x000000D1: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL on Windows XP

The error code 0x000000D1: DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL typically occurs in Windows XP due to incompatible or outdated drivers. Here’s how to address this issue:

  1. Reboot your system: Often, simply restarting your computer can rectify this error.
  2. Update drivers: Ensure your device drivers are up-to-date by visiting the manufacturer's website and installing the latest versions.
  3. Revert driver updates: If the error began after updating your drivers, consider reverting to the earlier versions.
  4. Diagnose hardware problems: Perform a diagnostic test to detect any hardware malfunctions that might be causing the issue.
  5. Uninstall new software: Recent software installations can sometimes lead to this error. Removing these may help resolve the problem.
  6. Conduct a malware scan: Viruses or malware could be at the root of the error. Running a thorough malware scan is advisable.
  7. Examine RAM integrity: Defective RAM might be another cause of this error. A memory diagnostic can confirm if there’s an issue with your RAM.

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